Wednesday, September 12, 2007



A tag search in Technorati produced 21, 677 hits. A blog search produced 382. Quite a difference. The weblog I chose to read is posted by Michael Stephens. He made some good points about where some of our customers are hanging out (MY SPACE). If a library is going to have a My Space presence they had better be prepared to serve those customers and not send out a canned message "this user has chosen not to receive instant messages".

I like how the Technoratit website provided fan rating of blogs. That helped me chose a few to view from the hundreds and thousands that are out there.

I looked at the top favorited blog and can understand why it holds that title. Boing Boing is a fabulous collection of the bizarre, weird, interesting and things that make yoiu say hmmmm.
The top search was Britney Spears which didn't surprise me but did make me sad. The top blog was Engadget. Of course Engadget would be the top's high tech!.

I will use Technorati in the future.

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