Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Getting started

I seem to have successfully created my blog! I have also printed out my account reference sheet and 23 Things tracking log. I have been tuning into Rosie O'Donnell's online video blogs and hope to learn a thing or two from her on the fine art of blogging. If you are still awake I promise to try really hard to make future posts less of a snoozefest and much more entertaining and interesting. The next post will probably have to do with the lifelong learners stuff, so, I can't make any guarantees.

Anyway this should be fun and hopefully put me in same league as my kids who are light years ahead of me technologically. Of course if I could see the darned Ipod screen I wouldn't have so much trouble operating it.

1 comment:

JimD said...

Good move with the account reference sheet. There's lots to remember as you plow through the various Things. Be prepared to spend too much time on the image generators. I thought they were fun. Those, del.icio.us, and RSS are going to be the things I use most from this, I think.