Wednesday, September 26, 2007



I actually enjoyed doing most of the 23 things. There were some frustrating moments, but, I am pleased that I was able to figure most things out on my own. I also was able to accomplish some things that I would have thought were beyond me technologically.

I especially like playing with photos on Flickr and some of the other sites.

I think this program helped to bring me up to speed on the new technologies and started me thinking about applications that I can use during my work day and that the library could incorporate into our day to day business.

It takes time to explore these things, use them and get comfortable with them. I think many times it is not that people are adverse to new technology we just don't feel like we have the time to devote to it. This program gave us that time.

I would definitely participate in another program of this type.

I have never been a fan of audiobooks. I've always preferred the printed word. But, I took a look at the titles available from Overdrive. I think the technology is amazing and allows people to "read" when they are doing other things like driving, exercising, cleaning houuse, etc.... It is also great for anyone with difficulties in reading. It's just not my thing.

I did download the print version of Alice in Wonderland from Project Gutenberg just to see how it looked. It wasn't great but would certainly do in a pinch if you have a student who needs to read a book quickly!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Well I think I added an RSS feed, but, it was confusing and complicated and now I am not so sure.

Yippeee! I figured it out (by myself!!!) I now have both an link to a podcast and a newsfeed.

Furby in Microwave

Will it Microwave?-Christmas Lights

Moving Rainbow Time Lapse


YOUTUBE......Finally I can spend some time doing what my sons spend most their time doing.....watching youtube videos!

I had no idea that there was a "videos being watched now" or "promoted videos" sections. The videos watched now gives a great indication of current events that are of interest to the younger population. I think it is mostly younger people that are watching YouTube because: a. they have lots of free time b. they tell each other about cool videos and then race home to watch them and c. computers are their life-blook.
I know people of all ages watch them, but, not many 50 year olds spend hours cruising around YouTube looking for air guitar videos for example.

I found the site easy to navigate and search. I suppose there will be applications for library use, but, I can't think of any right now. I'll ask my sons;)

Wow, I loved looking at all the sites on the Web 2.0 winners list. It seems like there really is a website for just about any interest or question you may have. I had never explored Craigslist before (though I had heard about it) and was amazed at the many different groups, local events,jobs, housing etc.
I also love Pandora and have used it before. Very cool the way it matches music based on artists you enjoy.

I think there could be applications in the library for some of these sites. For example, customers could use Pandora to identify new artists they may want to explore. I also think the blog guides and bookmarking applications could be useful. We just have to be open to explore and be innovative. The old way isn's necessarily the best way to do things now!

I created a free account on Google documents. It was easy because I already had an account for my blog and used the same password.
I thought Google documents was somewhat like microsoft word. I don't know if you can publish a document straight to the internet from microsoft word like you can on Google documents.
I have been researching non verbal learning disablility and compiling information from lots of different, so, I created a document on that topic. Maybe I will publish it to the internet when I am finished.
The main advantage to Google documents is that you don't need software to create documents. I will definitely pursue other applications.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I added my blog to the Maryland Libraries Sandbox. I was pretty impressed by the number that are already there. I even bookmarked this site with my account. I posted to several of the existing favorites lists and enjoyed reading about favorite vacation spots.

WIKIS! I thought I knew what they were because I have been to wikipedia....boy was I wrong. I am amazed at the wide variety of applications in library settings. I think having a wiki subject guide that anyone can post to is a great idea. I looked at one and selected cooking and I then linked to the Southern Living website. I also selected a book title and went right into the library catalog. It's all about expanding access!

I would love to see BCPL create a wiki for a new construction project....hint, hint Perry Hall maybe. That would be so cool for all of us (including the Perry Hall community) to be able to follow along more closely as the project progresses. Of course it would have lots of photos during the construction phase and other bits of information.

I am also going to keep wikis in mind when working on projects.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007



Icebergs threatening our progress. Continuing to develop just in case collections. We obviously no longer need to do this and need to let go of our previous behaviors. Reliance on user education. We should be concentrating not on teaching research skills, but, on elimating barriers.
Come to us. We have to place library services in our user's environment.

Wow, my head is swimming. So many innovative ideas out there and how do libraries utilize them. 23 things is a good beginning. Just knowing what is going on and getting comfortable with the technology is essential.


A tag search in Technorati produced 21, 677 hits. A blog search produced 382. Quite a difference. The weblog I chose to read is posted by Michael Stephens. He made some good points about where some of our customers are hanging out (MY SPACE). If a library is going to have a My Space presence they had better be prepared to serve those customers and not send out a canned message "this user has chosen not to receive instant messages".

I like how the Technoratit website provided fan rating of blogs. That helped me chose a few to view from the hundreds and thousands that are out there.

I looked at the top favorited blog and can understand why it holds that title. Boing Boing is a fabulous collection of the bizarre, weird, interesting and things that make yoiu say hmmmm.
The top search was Britney Spears which didn't surprise me but did make me sad. The top blog was Engadget. Of course Engadget would be the top's high tech!.

I will use Technorati in the future.

I discovered and have added it to my toolbar. Sometimes I think the technology is way more sophisticated than what I need. Seems to me is pretty similar to bookmarking and since I know all the sites I have bookmarked I probably won't need
I can see where it would be helpful when researching though.

Friday, August 17, 2007


I rolled my own search tool with Rollyo. It was really interesting to see all the different sites.

I set up a Library Thing account. What a great tool! I plan on keeping track of all the books I read on it. I couldn't figure out how to link it to my blog. Guess I will have to get some help on that one. So, far I have been able to figure it out by myself.

YIPPEE! I successfully created a MEEZ and was able to get it over on to my blog. The website is lots of fun although not everything there is free. It reminded me of playing with paper dolls when I was a little girl which I loved doing. Online image generators are Just a new high tech way of playing paper dolls and barbies!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Merlin contains lots of good information and a great calendar. I also looked at several library related blogs like ubiquitous librarian and shifted librarian. On the shifted librarian blog I found out about the ALA Techsource Gaming, Leaning and Libraries Symposium. I think all staff should be reading this blog. The ideas are fresh and are looking to incorporate technology in library services. Here is the link:

I learned about RSS feeds and set up my own Bloglines newsreader account. I found this very interesting and had no idea what an RSS feed was before getting to this point in the 23 Things.

I have been really curious about the new Apple i-phones and have been reading about them. It sounds good to be able to have your phone, ipod and internet access all in one device, however, it is a little too large for my taste. Also, I read an article in the paper today that some security experts detected a flaw in the security of the device that would other people to hack into it and have access to your personal data. "The first attack scenario is a straightforward one in which the attacker sends an Apple iPhone user an email containing a link to a malicious Web site. Once the user clicks on the link, the attacker's Web server exploits a flaw in the Safari browser that runs on the phone and takes control of the device. At that point, it's pretty much game over." The researchers sent the information off to Apple along with a way to fix it. Pretty scary stuff.
I think I will stick with my Razor phone and seperate iPod!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

, originally uploaded by ISphoto.

Week 3 Thing 6

Well now I know what a Flickr mashup is and I even made one. But, I couldn't get it into my blog becaue it wasn't the right type of file. So, I pulled over the following photo of 2 handsome ballplayers.

I am going to try the mashup again though because provided very cool and creative ways of using photos.

Week 3 Thing 5

I have explored Flickr and learned about the site. I have posted 2 photos from Flickr on my blog. I hope to post some of my own photos this weekend. I was amazed at the the number of photos on Flickr. I had no idea that a website like this even existed!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


DSC_0327, originally uploaded by xie-wei.


kiwo, originally uploaded by evhenke.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Week 2 Thing 4

My blog has been registered. I am enjoying reading all of the other blogs. I am anxious to start exploring Flickr in Week 3. I am always taking photographs and have lots to choose from when I figure out how to get some onto my blog.
Week 2 Thing 3

I have set up my own blog and added my first post. It was much easier than I thought it would be.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Week 1 Thing 2

I watched the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners. I thought it was well done and a good motivational tool for reluctant lifelong learners. The easiest habit for me is "to begin with the end in mind." I am very goal oriented and knowing my final destination is essential. Meandering is not something that I take to very easily.

The hardest habit for me is #7 1/2 - PLAY! Now that may sound strange, but, I find that much of my time is occupied by doing the stuff I have to do; work, taking care of the kids, taking care of the house, driving the kids around, etc. My goal is to play more and work less! I think using technology to my advantage may help me in achieving this goal.

Week 1 Thing 1

After reading several blogs it looks like most folks are using this format so I guess I will follow suit. I read the blog and found out about the program. I am looking forward to racking up all those CEUs and winning the WII would be okay too. We already have one so we would become a two WII household or I could sell it and put the money into my vacation fund. Hmmmm..... decisions, decisions.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Getting started

I seem to have successfully created my blog! I have also printed out my account reference sheet and 23 Things tracking log. I have been tuning into Rosie O'Donnell's online video blogs and hope to learn a thing or two from her on the fine art of blogging. If you are still awake I promise to try really hard to make future posts less of a snoozefest and much more entertaining and interesting. The next post will probably have to do with the lifelong learners stuff, so, I can't make any guarantees.

Anyway this should be fun and hopefully put me in same league as my kids who are light years ahead of me technologically. Of course if I could see the darned Ipod screen I wouldn't have so much trouble operating it.